Antiadhesion Barrier Gel Improves Clinical Outcome in Lumbar Discectomy Patients: A
Prospective Randomised Trial of Oxiplex Barrier Gel. International Society for the Study of Lumbar A Agarwal Spine, ISSLS, June 2007
360 Patients treated w/ Oxiplex/SP or MediShield Gel
Results: Better outcomes (reduced pain, increased satisfaction) shown in Oxiplex treated
patients than patients not treated with Oxiplex. Reduced post-operative scarring observed at
re-operation in Oxiplex patients (n=7) vs. Control patients (n-11).
Use of a Novel Gel-Formulated Anti-Adhesion Barrier for Prevention of Fibrotic Adhesions,
in Lumbar Micro-Discectomy Procedures. G Guizzardi, R Morichi, A Vagaggini, C Pandolfo, GP Giordano Congress of Neurological Surgeons CNS Annual
Meeting, Chicago, October 2006
30 Patients. Controlled study comparing MediShield Gel to control (no gel)
Results: No or negligible scar tissue evidenced in 73.5% of patients treated w/ Oxiplex/SP.
Gel compared to significant scarring noted in 79.9% of controls. No complications or allergic
reactions and no device-related events.
Clinical Experience with The Use of MediShield Gel for the Prevention of Peridural fibrosis R Assietti Congress of Neurological Surgeons, CNS Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 2006
70 Patients. Controlled study comparing MediShield Gel to control (no gel) in spine surgery.
Results: Significantly better outcomes in MediShield-treated group
Adhesion Prevention in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Retrospective Review of 350 Patients Treated
with Carboxymethylcellulose Polyehtylene Oxide P Fransen American Association of Neurological Surgeons, AANS, Washington D.C., April 2006.
350 Patients. Comparison of experience using Oxipelx/SP Gel (n=350) and Adcon-L (n-62)in spine surgery.
Results: No complication or side effects related to Oxiplex/SP. Significant fibrosis reduction seen in Oxiplex patients (n=3) reoperated for recurrent hernation.
Reduction of Radiculopathy Using MediShield Anti-Adhesion Gel in Spinal Surgery. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, CNS, San Francisco, 2004
270 Patients. Controlled, randomized study comparing MediShield Gel, Adcon-L & control
(no gel) in spine surgery
Post-surgical residual radiculopathy lowest in MediShield group (8%) vs. Adcon-L (11%)
and non-treated (16%) groups
Number of Patients needing post-surgical therapy lowest in MediShield group (3%) vs.
Adcon-L (10%) and non-treated (8%) groups
Experience with Oxiplex®/SP Gel for the Prevention of Post-Surgical Adhesions in Decompressive
Spine Surgery C Gill, F Klufmoeller, W Noack North American Spine Society, NASS 18th Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2003
40 Patients. Study comparing Oxiplex/SP Gel to control (no gel) in spine surgery.
Conclusions: Oxiplex/SP provided post-operative pain reduction by protection of the neural
structures & by decreasing scar formation and dural adherence. No wound healing
problems, no deterioration of neurologic deficit.