Percutaneous vertebroplasty: Multi-centric results from EVEREST experience in large cohort of patients Giovanni Carlo Anselmettia, Stefano Marciab, Luca Sabac, Mario Mutod, Giuseppe Bonaldie,
Paolo Carpeggianif, Stefano Marinig, Antonio Mancaa, Salvatore Masalah
Clinical Outcomes with Hemivertebral Filling
during Percutaneous Vertebroplasty E.M. Knavel, A. Ehteshami Rad, K.R. Thielen, D.F. Kallmes
Differences in endplate deformation of the adjacent
and augmented vertebra following cement augmentation Paul A. Hulme, S. K. Boyd, P. F. Heini, S. J. Ferguson
Prophylactic Vertebroplasty May Reduce the Risk of
Adjacent Intact Vertebra From Fatigue Injury An Ex Vivo Biomechanical Study Chun-Kai Chiang, BS,Yao-Hung Wang, MD, Chung-Yi Yang, MD, Been-Der Yang, PhD, Jaw-Lin Wang, PhD
The Prognostic Factors Influencing on the Therapeutic
Effect of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty in Treating Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures Kyeong-Sik Ryu, M.D., Chun Kun Park, M.D., PhD
Magnetic reconance imaging findings of subsequent fractures after vertebroplasty In- Ho Han, M.D., Dong- Kyu Chin, M.D., Ph.D.,Sung- Uk Kuh, M.D., Ph.D., Keun- Su Kim, M.D., Ph.D., Byung- Ho Jin, M.D., Ph.D., Young- Sul Yoon, M.D., Ph.D., Yong- Eun Cho, M.D., Ph.D.
Efficacy of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for
Multiple Synchronous and Metachronous Vertebral Compression Fractures L.A. Gray, A. Ehteshami Rad, J.R. Gaughen, Jr., T.J. Kaufmann, D.F. Kallmes
Early stage disc degeneration does not have an appreciable affect on stiffness and load transfer following vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty Victor Kosmopoulos, Tony S. Keller,
Constantin Schizas
Assessment of osteoporotic vertebral fractures using specialized workflow software for 6-point morphometry Giuseppe Guglielmi, Francesco Palmieri, Maria Grazia Placentino, Francesco D'Errico, Luca Pio Stoppino
New Vertebral Fracture After Vertebroplasty Yang-Pin Lo, MD, Wen-Jer Chen, MD, Lih-Huei Chen, MD, and Po-Liang Lai, MD
Earlier vertebral compression fracture deteriorate disability and quality of life after a subsequent acute fracture Nobuyuki Suzuki & Osamu Ogikubo - Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences,
Tommy Hansson - Department of Orthopaedics, Sahlgrenska academy, Gothenburg University
Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering SBU Alert-rapport 2007-06-20
Perkutan vertebroplastik vid svår ryggsmärta pga kotkompression
Respective contributions of vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty to the management of osteoporotic vertebral fractures Hervé Deramond, Guillaume Saliou, Mathieu Aveillan, Pierre Lehmann, Jean Noël Vallée
The Risk of New Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures in the Year after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty Maurits H.J. Voormolen, MD, Paul N.M. Lohle, MD, PhD, Job R. Juttmann, MD, PhD,
Yolanda van der Graaf, MD, PhD, Hendrik Fransen, MD, and Leo E.H. Lampmann, MD, PhD
Biomechanical impact of vertebroplasty
Postoperative biomechanics of vertebroplasty Gamal Baroud, Marc Bohner
Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty: filler materials Isador H. Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCS(C), Daisuke Togawa, MD, PhD, Mark M. Kayanja, MD, PhD
The Vertebral Body Fracture in Osteoporosis:
Restoration of Height Using Percutaneous Vertebroplasty Arthur B. Dublin, Jonathan Hartman, Richard E. Latchaw, John K. Hald, and Michael H. Reid
Management of Acute Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures: A Nonrandomized Trial Comparing Percutaneous Vertebroplasty with Conservative Therapy Terrence H. Diamond, MD, Bernard Champion, MD,William A. Clark, MD
Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for Osteoporotic Compression Fractures: Quantitative Prospective Evaluation of Long-term Outcomes Gregg H. Zoarski, MD, Paige Snow, PA, MSHS, Wayne J. Olan, MD, M.J. Bernadette Stallmeyer, MD, PhD, Bradley W. Dick, MD, J. Richard Hebel, PhD, and Marian De Deyne, RN
An In Vivo Comparison of the Potential for Extravertebral Cement Leak After Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty Frank M. Phillips, MD, F. Todd Wetzel, MD, Isadore Lieberman, MD,† and Marrion Campbell-Hupp, RN
Percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty for the correction of spinal deformityin painful vertebral body compression fractures Daphne J. Theodoroua, Stavroula J. Theodoroua, Timothy D. Duncana, Steven R. Garfinb, Wade H. Wonga,
An Ex Vivo Evaluation of an Inflatable Bone Tamp Used to Reduce Fractures Within Vertebral Bodies Under Load Stephen M. Belkoff, PhD, Louis E. Jasper, BS, and Sheila S. Stevens, PhD
Balloon Vertebroplasty with Calcium Phosphate Cement Augmentation for Direct Restoration of Traumatic Thoracolumbar Vertebral Fractures J. J. Verlaan, MD, W. H. van Helden, MD, F. C. Oner, MD, PhD, A. J. Verbout, MD, PhD, and W. J. A. Dhert, MD, PhD, FBSE
Fat Embolism and Acute Hypotension During Vertebroplasty. An Experimental Study in Sheep Nikolaus Aebli, MD, Jo¨rg Krebs, MedVet, Gerard Davis, PhD, Mark Walton, PhD, Michael J. A. Williams, MD, and Jean-Claude Theis, FRACS
New Technologies in Spine Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty for the Treatment of Painful Osteoporotic Compression Fractures Steven R. Garfin, MD Hansen A. Yuan, MD and Mark A. Reiley, MD
An Ex Vivo Biomechanical Evaluation of an Inflatable Bone Tamp Used in the Treatment of Compression Fracture Stephen M. Belkoff, PhD, John M. Mathis, MD, David C. Fenton, MS, Robert M. Scribner, BS, Mark E. Reiley, MD and Karen Talmadge, PhD
1999 Young Investigator Research Award Runner-Up Effect of Augmentation on the Mechanics of Vertebral Wedge Fractures David R. Wilson, DPhil, Elizabeth R. Myers, PhD, John M. Mathis, MD, Robert M. Scribner, BSc, Jonathan A. Conta, BSc, Mark A. Reiley, MD, Karen D. Talmadge, PhD, and Wilson C. Hayes, PhD
Does kyphoplasty reduce potential for extra-vertebral and intra-vascular polymethylmethacrylate leakage when compared to vertebroplasty? Frank M. Phillips, MD, T McNally, MD, I Lieberman, MD, E Trumees, MD. The University of Chicago Spine Center, Chicago, IL, Cleveland Clinic, OH, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI.